Part 2C: Check your understanding: Exploring Example Data understanding icon Use the above Greenhouse App to check your understanding

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A. Use Settings A (above left) for the following Questions. View the R-square values when the Statistical Model is Linear, when it is Quadratic, and when it is set to Cubic. Which of the three R-squared values is clearly different from the others?

B. What is the coefficient for X2 in the quadratic model?

C. When developing regression models, we often search for a parsimonious model. This is a model that is as simple as possible without losing a substantial amount of accuracy. Which model appears to be the most parsimonious when we are predicting corn profits based upon the amount of water used?

D. What is the p-value for the X2 coefficient in the quadratic model?

E. What is the p-value for the X2 coefficient in the cubic model?

F. Do the p-values for each model coefficient appear to be reliable measures of the importance of a particular term in the model?

G. Use Settings B for the following Questions. What is the R-squared value for this model?

H. Using this model, predict the yield for tomatoes when water = 45

I. Using this model, predict the yield for beans when water = 45

J. Check the Remove Interaction Terms Box, what is the R-squared value for this model?

K. What is the equation for this model with no interactions?